Innovative Energy Systems lab (IES)

The Innovative Energy Systems (IES) laboratory has been established in 2006 in the Savona campus with the installation of a T100 microturbine for emulation activities on SOFC-based hybrid systems. Now, with an extension of about 400 m2, it includes prototypes and experimental activities on different energy topics: innovation in microturbines, hydrogen, fuel cells, distributed generation, trigeneration, smart grids, component integration, energy storage (electrical, thermal, fuels), renewable sources, etc. Moreover, it hosts the laboratory of the Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre (UTC) and a joint laboratory with Fincantieri with 250 kW of installed PEMFCs. Finally, it includes collaboration activities with the companies Bluenergy Revolution and SIT Technologies (spin-off of the University of Genoa). The laboratory is available for teaching activities at different levels (Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D.), training and thesis development and for research experiences with different forms of collaborations (projects, visiting researchers/professors, etc.).