EDU-ABCM – Capacity building on Student-Centered Energy Education in Cameroon, Ethiopia, Mauritius and Mozambique

In this project, eight universities in 4 countries in Africa (Cameroon, Ethiopia, Mauritius, Mozambique) will benefit and collaborate with two universities in EU (Italy, Sweden) towards modernization of courses and programs in the energy sector, with emphasize upon the general perspectives of circular economy towards energy sustainability. The collaboration is inspired by two earlier successful Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education. It will re-use both the framework and learning material developed from these projects while developing and implementing specific new courses and programs adapted for the local conditions in the partner countries. The courses and programs to be developed will enhance the modernization process of the partner universities by introducing a student-centered flipped classroom approach in which innovation and entrepreneurship takes a predominant role. All material is developed in digital online format and can as such be read also in remote areas, both as part of a formal academic study program and as stand-alone modules for individual learning journeys. Learning resources and courses will be shared between the partners throughout the project and common implementation will be performed. Business cases and global challenges related to the UN Sustainability Goals, and specifically adapted towards global greenhouse gas mitigation, are introduced in the modernized curricula. A university-wide “Challenge” course will be installed in each partner HEI such that students from different disciplines can come together within, as well as between, university. At the end of the project the partner universities will have clearly demonstrated, in a measurable and scalable way, that it is possible to collaborate on educational material in the energy sector in a global perspective, to co-create and re-use material from other countries, improve the material, adapt it to local conditions and create an international collaboration.

TPG role




2023 - 2026


European Commission



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