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MefCO2 – Synthesis of methanol from captured carbon dioxide using surplus electricity

The current project is to encompass flexible (in operation and feed) methanol synthesis with high carbon dioxide concentration-streams as an input, the latter originating from thermal power stations using fossil fuels. The demonstrational technology may alternatively be intended for the application of existing biomass combustion and gasification system streams, operating for the production of electric/thermal energy, as opposed to chemical synthesis. The other synthesis reactant, hydrogen, is to originate from water hydrolysis using surplus energy, which would be conversely difficult to return to the grid. (deployed “at exhaust location”), and facile integration capacities.

TPG role

TPG is responsible for the techno-economic analysis and feasibility study of the renewable methanol synthesis process investigated in different EU scenarios, including next future ones. The activities have been carried out within the WP3 by using TPG in-house software tools W-TEMP and W-ECoMP.


H2020 - GA 637016


2014 - 2019


European Commission


I-deals Innovation & Technology Venturing Services (

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