NextMGT  – Next Generation of Micro Gas Turbines for High Efficiency, Low Emissions and Fuel Flexibility

The research programme aims at the development of the technical expertise and scientific knowledge that will enable a significantly improved understanding of the fundamental design and operational aspects of Micro Gas Turbine (MGT) technology and requirements for successful commercialisation. This will involve the development and validations in analytical and numerical models for the multi-physical aspects of these machines to enable a significantly improved understanding of the fundamental design and operational aspects. Component level technology as well as their integration in an optimal manner will be addressed. An insight into the main features of the incipient MGT community and the existing structures for collaborative research and technology transfer between research and industry and detailed insights into related energy policy and regulatory framework will provide valuable information to pave the way to establishing an important European industry. This would lead the way in distributed power generation and linking to renewables utilisation. The scientific outcome is significant contributions to the economy and emissions reduction during transition and the long-term objective of zero emission power generation.

TPG role

As part of the NextMGT project, TPG is hosting two Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) who are focusing on the compact light-weight solutions for mGTs and the integration of energy storage technologies (including electrochemical systems) in the microturbine layouts. In details, ESR4 is studying Tesla machines focusing special attention on compressor technology, while ESR12 is studying the integration of mGTs with CAES and electrochemical solutions for energy storage. The activities on Tesla compressors are involving both CFD and experimental tests, thanks to new prototypes specifically developped for this project. On the other side, the integration of energy storage systems is performed joining simulation activities at system level with experimental tests on a T100 microturbine available in the IES laboratory by TPG. Both ESRs had training opportunities in the TPG’s laboratories and with secondment experiences at both academic and industrial levels.


H2020 - GA 861079


2020 - 2023


European Commission


City University London

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