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The RESILIENT project aims to design, develop, install and assess the energy and environmental benefits of a new integrated concept of interconnectivity between buildings, DER, grids and other networks at a district level. The RESILIENT approach will combine different innovative technologies including smart ICT components, optimized energy generation and storage technologies, also for RES, integrated to provide real time accounts of energy demand and supply at a district level and assist in decision-making process.
The project strategy relies on a comprehensive R&D and demonstration approach. The proposed integrated concept will be first modelled and simulated for different typologies of buildings and different climates and then installed, monitored and evaluated in three pilot projects (including residential and non residential buildings) in UK, Belgium and Italy. These demonstrators will be used to assess the energy and environmental benefits of the new integrated concept and also to validate models and technologies in order for the concept to be easily replicable throughout different climatic areas.


FP7 - 314671


2012 - 2016


European Commission


Rina Consulting S.p.A.

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