SHARP-sCO2 – Solar Hybrid Air-sCO2 Power Plants

The European project SHARP-sCO2, aims to develop a new generation of highly efficient and flexible solar power plants.
Keeping on working with CSP-sCO2 cycles and investigating how to exploit air as operating fluid, SHARP-sCO2 will enhance and validate novel enabling technologies in EU top level CSP labs, including receiver, thermal storage, sCO2-air Heat Exchanger, electrical heater and piping and control system.
SHARP-sCO2 proposes a Multi-lab validation approach towards a more cost-efficient and flexible generation of hybrid CSP-PV plants leveraging on existing industrial/R&D partners’ scientific and commercial know-how.

TPG role

In SHARP-sCO2 Project, TPG-UNIGE is valorising its know-how about sCO2 energy systems and their modelling (particularly at dynamic and thermo-economic level) to support the assessment of replicability of the SHARP-sCO2 investigated air-driven integrated sCO2-CSP cycles.


Horizon Europe - GA 101083899


2022 - 2025


European Commission



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