European pathways towards decarbonisation require the incorporation of both renewable energy and renewable energy storage solutions. This is essential for overall energy stability and efficiency. Unfortunately, current energy storage systems are inefficient. Also, the implementation of novel storage systems can be difficult and challenging since they may disrupt the energy grid. With this in mind, the EU-funded SINNOGENES project will develop an energy storage toolkit specialised in helping energy storage innovations to be efficiently and safely integrated into the energy grid. The project will both assist innovations and demonstrate the efficiency and benefits of energy storage technologies.
TPG role
Within the Sinnogenes project, TPG will develop a detailed scalability and replicability plan for the adoption of SINNOGENES storage technologies and applications. The goal is to replicate these technologies in different demand sectors, geographic areas, and scales, enabling storage empowerment across the EU. To this end, W-ECoMP, a modular and flexible software tool for thermo-economic and temporal analysis and optimization of energy systems, including off-design conditions, plus apt developed code, will be used to analyze storage integration in different polygenerational contexts.