SOLar-driven INDustrial power And heat upgRaded with hIgh-temperature heaT pumps for enhanced integrated process efficiencY (SOLINDARITY)

Carbon emissions contribute significantly to environmental degradation. In the pursuit of sustainable industry practices, the EU-funded SOLINDARITY project aims to transform the industrial landscape by pioneering a heat upgrade system based on solar energy. Addressing industrial processes with temperatures up to 280 °C, SOLINDARITY integrates a complimentary set of innovative and highly efficient components, including solar thermal panels, thermal energy storage, photovoltaics and high-temperature heat pumps. The orchestration of these components is achieved through the use of AI, digital twinning and a user-friendly dashboard. With a pilot system showcasing efficacy across diverse industries and climates in Germany, Greece and Italy, the project’s consortium of 18 partners spans 6 EU countries and extends to Jordan, Morocco and Switzerland.

TPG role

TPG leads the mapping of the demo sites and is the research partner for the ARTIGO pilot. Its primary responsibilities include the development of the project’s Digital Twinning and the planning of process and energy management through thermoeconomics. Additionally, UNIGE assesses the impact of the SOLINDARITY system on energy networks under different scenarios.




Horizon Europe - GA 101136148


2024 - 2027


European Commission



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