SOLARSCO2OL – SOLAR based sCO2 Operating Low-cost plants

The main goal of SOLARSCO2OL program is to demonstrate the feasibility and convenience of CSP power plants, in particular if coupled with flexible, high performant and low CAPEX power conversion units, and so the program present the supercritical-CO2 (sCO2) cycles as a key enabling technology to facilitate a larger deployment of CSP in EU panorama. To demonstrate this, the SOLARSCO2OL consortium aims to build the first European MW-scale plant prototype for a sCO2 Cycle using as thermal source of energy a CSP Solar Thermal plant with thermal storage.

TPG role

TPG-UNIGE has a leading role in WP5 – Dynamic simulation and control and supporting roles in WP2 and WP3 contributing to the layout and turbomachinery definition.


H2020 - GA 952953




European Commission


RINA Consulting SpA

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