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TECBIA – Technologies for low environmental impact for energy production on naval vessels

The research project TecBIA (Technologies with Low Environmental Impact for the production of energy on naval vessels) by Fincantieri, co-financed by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development, aims to validate the sustainable technology of fuel cells for naval applications through the construction of the prototype ship named ZEUS (Zero Emission Ultimate Ship) with hybrid propulsion. ZEUS was classified by RINA in 2022 as the first RINA Classed ship capable to be propelled by Hydrogen.

TPG role

TPG-UNIGE is involved in both theoretical/modeling and experimental activities within the project. More in detail, TPG participates in WP1 (selection of commercial 30kW fuel cells for maritime applications), WP2 (dynamic model of Metal Hydrides and PEM Fuel Cell), WP4 (thermal integration and design of MH-PEMFC systems) and WP5 (test of the integrated innovative system PEMFC-batteries before onboard installation).


PON 2014 - 2020


2018 - 2022




Fincantieri S.p.A.

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